28  Writing the Sections of a Research Report

28.1 Introduction

In this section, we note some further features of different elements in a high-quality research report/thesis.

28.2 Writing the Abstract

  • The abstract provides a concise and comprehensive summary of the entire study. It’s often the first part—and sometimes the only part—of your work that readers will encounter, so must be written with care and precision.

  • An effective abstract is succinct, usually no longer than 150 to 250 words. Despite its brevity, it should encapsulate all the major points of the research, from the problem addressed to the conclusions reached. This conciseness demands careful word choice and the distillation of complex ideas into essential information. Remember - this might be the only part of your work that the reader encounters.

  • While it’s brief, the abstract must also be comprehensive. It should begin by setting out the research problem, followed by a brief description of the methods employed. Then, it should present the key results succinctly, and finally, it should outline the main conclusions drawn from the results. This ensures that reader has a clear understanding of the research scope and significance.

  • Including relevant keywords in the abstract enhances the ‘discoverability’ of your research. Keywords should be chosen for their relevance and frequency of use in the field, ensuring that the study can be easily found in electronic database searches. This increases the accessibility and potential impact of your research.

  • The abstract should stand alone, which means avoiding citations to other works. Since the abstract is a summary of your original work, it should not rely on external sources. All necessary context or explanations must be contained within the abstract itself.

28.3 Writing the Introduction

  • The introduction of a research report or dissertation sets the groundwork for the study. It’s where you capture the reader’s attention, give the necessary background, and lay out the foundation of the research.

  • The introduction should start by providing the reader with sufficient background information. This situates the research within a broader academic and practical context, making it clear why this research is important. This information acts as a scaffold, enabling readers to understand and appreciate the research problem.

  • A clearly articulated statement of the problem is crucial. It should be specific, concise, and indicate the significance of the problem. This statement is the anchor of your research, around which the entire study is centred. It should express both what is known and what remains unknown or problematic in the current understanding.

  • The objectives, questions, or hypotheses provide a ‘roadmap’ for the study. They should be clearly outlined, informing the reader of the direction the research will take. Objectives state what the study aims to achieve, while research questions or hypotheses posit what the study seeks to explore or test.

  • Defining the scope of the research is about establishing boundaries. It involves stating what the research will cover and, just as importantly, what it will not. This demarcation is essential in setting realistic expectations for the reader. It also highlights the limitations of the study, which is an important aspect of academic honesty and transparency.

28.4 Describing the Methods

  • The methods section of a research report or dissertation is where the researcher explains how the study was conducted. It must be detailed enough to establish the study’s validity and to allow other researchers to replicate the work if desired.

  • This section usually starts with a detailed and clear description of the research design, including whether the study is qualitative, quantitative, or mixed-methods. It should describe the sample, including how participants were selected and the size of the sample. The methods of data collection and analysis must be outlined, including any tools, instruments, or software used in the process. This applies to secondary data analysis too.

  • A justification for the choice of methods is essential. It should explain why these particular methods are the most appropriate for addressing the research problem. This includes discussing why alternative methods were not used. The justification helps to reinforce the reliability and credibility of the study.

  • The description of methods should be sufficiently detailed to allow for the reproducibility of the study. This means including enough detail that another researcher could perform the same study and compare results. This level of detail is central to the scientific method and contributes to the body of knowledge within the field.

  • The methods section must also address any ethical considerations relevant to the research. This includes how consent was obtained from participants, how confidentiality and privacy were maintained, and how any potential harm to participants was mitigated. It’s crucial to demonstrate that the research was conducted in a responsible and ethical manner.

28.5 Presenting the Results

  • The results section of your research report is where the outcomes of your study are formally presented. The presentation of these results is critical as it forms the basis for the discussion and conclusions that follow.

  • Results should be presented with clarity and precision. Make use of tables, figures, and text to convey your findings effectively. Tables and figures should be self-explanatory and include captions that describe what the reader is observing. The narrative accompanying these visual aids should draw attention to the significant data points without offering an interpretation.

  • On that note, it’s important to separate results from interpretation in your report. The results section should only report what was found, not what these findings might mean. Interpretations, implications, and explanations belong in the subsequent discussion section, where they can be explored in depth.

  • Try to organise the results in a sequence that makes logical sense and aligns with the research question/s or hypotheses set out earlier in the report. This might mean grouping results by research question, by experimental condition, or by thematic area, depending on what is most clear and logical for your particular study.

  • While it’s important to report all relevant results, it’s equally important to highlight the key findings. This doesn’t mean overemphasising their importance ,but rather ensuring that they are clearly identifiable. It’s about giving the reader a clear indication of what you believe to be the most significant data points and trends in your results.

28.6 Discussing the Findings

  • The discussion section is where you ‘breathe life’ into your numbers and observations, weaving them into the existing state of knowledge in your field.

  • It’s usual to begin with the interpretation of your results. This should go beyond mere restatement of results to include their meaning and significance in relation to the research questions or hypotheses. Compare and contrast your findings with those from other studies and discuss how your results align or differ from existing literature. This is your opportunity to tell the story of your research, to explain the ‘why’ behind the ‘what.’

  • It’s important to acknowledge the limitations of your study openly. Every study has its constraints, and discussing these limitations provides context for the interpretation of the findings. It also demonstrates academic integrity by highlighting potential weaknesses or biases that could influence the results.

  • Based on the findings and the limitations, offer recommendations for future research. This could involve suggesting new areas of inquiry, different methods, or expanded studies to build upon your work. If applicable, you can also propose practical applications for your findings (the ‘so what’ question).

  • Conclude the discussion by summarising the key findings and their implications. This should tie back to your introduction and literature review, bringing the reader ‘full circle’. It should highlight the contribution your study has made to the field and any broader implications it may have.